MLP Welcomes…
Today, 1st September, Magna Learning Partnership welcomes two new schools to the Trust – and says farewell to two schools!
Firstly, St Edmund’s Girls’ School and Wyvern College completed their functions as single sex 11-16 schools for Salisbury yesterday and today they have formally and legally amalgamated to become Wyvern St Edmund’s Academy. The schools have been working as one for a few years now but we are delighted that the Department for Education approved the move to one school under the leadership of Mrs Louise Henderson, who begins her headship today.
We also welcome Old Sarum Primary School into the Trust. Old Sarum is a two form entry primary school serving the Old Sarum and Longhedge estates. We have had connections with the school for some while as many children move on to Wyvern St Edmund’s from there. We are looking forward to working with Headteacher Mr John Jones and his team and are very pleased that the school has become the fifth primary school to join our partnership.
Finally, we extend a warm welcome to Mr Ben Hillier who becomes Head of College at S6C.
We look forward to a happy and successful year for all our schools.